Tag Archives: 2023(4)

Mitigation of climate crisis from rice paddy field by tillage combination in central China

Chengfang Li1, Shahrear Ahmad2*, Cougui Cao1

1MOA Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in the Middle Researches of the Yangtze River, College of Plant Sciences and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 4300, PR China

2Department of Botany, Jagannath University, Dhaka 1100, Bangladesh


We have tested the tillage combination to study methods that help curtail the release of greenhouse gasses from rice paddy fields have had on the climate and contrasted the potential outcomes for rice production (Oryza sativa L.), no-tillage plus no fertilizer (NT0), conventional tillage plus no fertilizer (CT0), conventional tillage plus compound fertilizer (CTC), no-tillage plus compound fertilizer (NTC) by measuring ammonia volatilization and greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) from paddy fields for rice throughout the year of 2018 in the subtropical area of central China. The mean NH3 volatilization in CT0 was 9.55% greater than that in NT0 by (p>0.05), and for NTC, it was 11.30% (p>0.05) lower than in CTC. In comparison to CT0, the mean CH4 emission flux in NT0 was 1.12% (p>0.05) lower, but the mean CH4 emission flux in CTC was 28.34% (p> 0.05) higher than that in NTC. The mean N2O emission flux in NT0 was 174.72% (p˂0.05) lower than in CT0. The average flux of N2O emission in CTC was 47.90% (p˃ 0.05) greater than in NTC. We compared the IGWPs based on N2O, CH4, and CO2 emission flux. CT0 had the lowest (non-significant) recorded amount at 12097.43KgCO2.ha-1 of GWPs, which was only 397.5KgCO2.ha-1 lower than that in NT0. CTC had the highest recorded amount at 20042.72KgCO2.ha-1 of GWPs, which was 2292.53KgCO2.ha-1 higher than that reported in NTC. NTC system to be the superior, sustainable method for mitigating the harmful effects of GHG emissions contributing to the climate crisis by way of rice production in rice paddy fields.

Keywords: Rice cultivation, Climate crisis, No-tillage, Conventional tillage, GHG, NH3 volatilisation

High inhibition efficacy of pancreatic cholesterol esterase and porcine pancreatic lipase from natural products

Runglawan Sudmoon1, Sanit Kaewdaungdee2, Unchaleeporn Ameamsri2, Warin Wonok2, Tawatchai Tanee3, Pornnarong Siripiyasing4, Arunrat Chaveerach2*

1Faculty of Law, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

3Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahasarakham University, Thailand

4Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Thailand


The various properties of Garcinia atroviridis (Ga), G. schomburgkiana (Gs), Camellia sinensis (Cs) and Morus alba (Ma) were investigated, aimed at finding cholesterol lowering and lipase inhibiting effects. Their phytochemical components of the species were determined by GC-MS and HPLC. The total flavonoids, phenolics and polysaccharides were measured. The inhibition percentage of CEase and PPL were determined. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests in the samples were examined. The results are as followed: The various key phytochemicals distributed in all the studied species were revealed such as stigmasterol, catechol, γ-sitosterol, β-amyrin, caffeine, and squalene. An HPLC chromatogram revealed the amount and concentration of HCA in Ga and Gs, and catechin and catechol in Ga, Gs, Cs, and Ma. The highest and second highest inhibition percentages of CEase in Ga and Formula I were at 77.02±0.27 and 67.61±0.26, and PPL and Formula I in Gs at 77.92±0.59 and 78.31±0.07 compared to orlistat inhibition percentage of 84.72±0.17 and 80.83±0.38, but in different concentrations of orlistat at 10 mg/ml and Formula 1 at 3 mg/ml. Toxicity assays exhibited no IC50 values in all samples, but ethanol Gs and Cs extracts and methanol Ma extract induced DNA damages significantly (p<0.01). However, from the LD50 values calculated at the concentrations used, there are no effects on humans. Therefore, the studied plants and Formulas at identical concentration, 10 mg/ml would definitely show a higher inhibition effect than orlistat in reducing cholesterol and inhibiting lipase activity leading to an innovation for weight loss and high cholesterol treatments without any side effects.

Keywords: Garcinia schomburgkiana, Garcinia cambogia, Camellia sinensis, Morus alba cholesterol lowering, Lipase activity