2023(2)      April - June, 2023

Screening barley genotypes in terms of some quantitative and qualitative characteristics under normal and water deficit stress conditions

Roghayeh Fatemi1, Mehrdad Yarnia1*, Soleman Mohammadi2, Ebrahim Khalil Vand1, Bahram Mirashkari1

1Department of Agronomy, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2Seed and plant improvement research Department, West Azerbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO, Urmia, Iran


This study aimed to evaluate promising lines and commercial barley cultivars in terms of some quantitative and qualitative characteristics under normal and water deficit conditions. The experiment was conducted as a split-plot based on a randomized complete blocks design with three replications. According to the results, water deficiency significantly reduced the chlorophyll index (34.64 %), leaf relative water content (RWC) (15.11%), the leaf area index (42.90%), the number of seeds per spike (6.04%), 1000- grain weight (60.19%), biological yield (37.46%), grain yield (42.79%), starch (6.15%), and grain ash (20.16%) content while increasing superoxidase (33.89%) and catalase (CAT) (50.0%) enzyme activity and the grain protein content (19.58%) compared to normal conditions. In both environmental conditions, the highest grain yield was attributed to M-88-2 and M-86-5 lines and the Jonoob cultivar. However, the M-88-2 line had higher chlorophyll content, relative water content, antioxidant enzyme activity, and grain ash content in both environmental conditions compared to the Jonoob cultivar. Under normal conditions grain yield showed a positive and significant phenotypic correlation with 1000-grain weight. Furthermore, under water deficit conditions, we detected a positive phenotypic correlation between the grain yield and leaf RWC as well as the number of spikes per square meter and a positive phenotypic and genetic correlation with the biological yield. According to the results of the present study, the promising M-88-2 line can be used in future breeding programs for drought resistance as well as its quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

Keywords: Barley, Drought stress, Grain yield, Genotypes

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