Volume 8, Issue 1      January - March, 2020

Entomopathogenic fungi isolated from agro-ecosystem soil in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Tamrin Abdullah, Irwan Irwan, Tutik Kuswinanti, Itji Diana Daud, Asman Asman*, Andi Nasruddin, Nurariaty Agus

Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia


Entomopathogenic fungi have been proved controlling plant pests, and most of the entomopathogenic fungi isolated from the agroecosystem. The research was carried out to characterize the entomopathogenic fungi diversity associated with different agroecosystem on a different location in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Fungi of rice field ecosystems were found more diverse than on dryland ecosystems, and the genus was Fusarium species, Aspergillus species, Rhizopus species, Trichoderma species, Penicillium species, Rhizoctonia species and Metharizium species. Moreover, Fusarium species and Rhizopus species were the most frequent genus isolated from rice field ecosystem, while on dryland ecosystems, the fungus of Metharizium species found more frequent than Fusarium species and Aspergillus species According to a geographical location on rice field ecosystems. The number of fungi isolated on the regency of Gowa more numerous than regency of Sidrap, Takalar, and Pinrang. Meanwhile, on the dryland ecosystems, three locations were the city of Makassar, the regency of Maros, and the regency of Polman. Among three areas, the regency of Maros founded more fungi than regency of Polman and Makassar. This study exhibits the diversity of fungi on the rice field, and dryland ecosystems were quite different.

 Keywords: Entomopathogenic fungi, Agroecosystem soil, Diversity, South Sulawesi

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